The Threat Barrier: The Key to the Garden of Ease
In the garden of our true nature, there is no separation, no self, only the harmonious dance of life. But a formidable barrier stands between us and this garden: unresolved threat.
Like a dense fog that obscures the sun, threat clouds our perception, distorting our view of reality and creating the illusion of a separate self. It's this illusion that keeps us trapped in a cycle of suffering, endlessly chasing after fleeting pleasures and desperately trying to control the uncontrollable.
The more we resist and suppress threat, the more it solidifies into a seemingly impenetrable barrier. We cling to our stories, our identities, and our beliefs, believing they will protect us from harm. But in reality, these are merely distractions, elaborate defenses that keep us from facing the truth of our interconnectedness.
EASE teaches us that the only way to dissolve this barrier is to move through the threat. Not by fighting it or trying to escape it, but by acknowledging it, feeling it fully, and allowing it to flow through us.
The body, in its infinite wisdom, knows how to release threat. It's a natural process that occurs in every living being, from the smallest cell to the largest mammal. A gazelle fleeing a predator, a bird shaking off water after a bath, a dog trembling after a stressful encounter – these are all examples of the body's innate ability to discharge the energy of threat and return to ease.
Humans, however, have become disconnected from this natural process. We've been conditioned to believe that we are separate from nature, that we can control our lives, and that our happiness depends on external circumstances. This belief system keeps us trapped in a state of chronic threat, where we are constantly striving for something more, something better, something different.
But EASE offers a different way. It invites us to surrender to the flow of life, to trust the wisdom of our bodies, and to embrace the present moment with all its uncertainties and imperfections.
When we let go of the illusion of control, the threat barrier begins to crumble. We realize that we are not separate from the river of life, but rather a part of it – a leaf, a ripple, a wave. We understand that there is no "you" to control or protect, only a continuous flow of energy that is constantly changing and evolving.
As the threat dissipates, the illusion of self fades away, and we return to the garden of ease. We experience a profound sense of peace, joy, and interconnectedness with all of life. We recognize that we are not separate beings, but rather an expression of the infinite creativity and intelligence that permeates the universe.